

After over 18 months of planning and development, VaperTrail – practice management software for Anaesthetists in private practice – has been fully installed at Adelaide Anaesthetic Services (AAS). The pilot began on 14th March and all the elements of the...
Vaper 2.0: Nine top new features

Vaper 2.0: Nine top new features

It’s been a fair while since the last update to Vaper (April 2011) but there have been some exciting new developments and features added to the programme.  Although there have been many additions and improvements, here is a quick walk through of the top nine...
A long time between drinks?

A long time between drinks?

Well, it’s been a long time between blog posts but a fair bit of water has flown under my personal bridge. On 31st July, I had a fall (BAC 0.00 in case anyone was wondering) and fractured my first cervical vertebra (C1) with instability of C1 on C2.  In...