Pocket RVG
Pocket RVG
Available for iOS

Pocket RVG is an electronic version of the Australian Relative Value Guide and was first released in July 2009. Since then, there have been multiple free updates released in parallel to changes in the published Medicare Benefits Schedule keeping users up-to-date with item alterations.
- no internet connection necessary for use
- items are colour-coded for easy browsing
- find items by text or number search
- mark items as ‘favourite’
- use your own nicknames for favourites
- organise your favourites into your own groups
- list items by fee – allowing you to choose the best item with the highest fee
Additional Tools:
- time-units calculator (duration or start/stop times)
- intuitive visual BMI calculator
- age vs. MAC (Minimum Alveolar Concentration) calculator
- infusion calculator – for upto 3 concurrent infusions – includes many preloaded choices
- sugammadex calculator