With the latest release of Pocket MBS currently sitting at #1 in the ‘What’s Hot’ for Medical iPad Apps, it might be time to sit back (just for a short time) and reflect on the success of the current offerings:
Pocket MBS has been consistently in the top 100 Medical Apps ever since its first release in June 2009. The recent update to a ‘universal’ app – meaning that it now also works for iPad with some cool new features – has meant that Pocket MBS has spent most of the last month in the top 25 Medical Apps for iPad. A new (free) update for the July 2011 updated schedule is ready in the wings.
Pocket RVG has been consistently in the top 150 Medical Apps since its initial release in July 2009. It has been kept constant.y up to date with the changing RVG schedules and new cool calculators have been added along the way. As for Pocket MBS, a new update will be available imminently.
Vaper, an electronic logbook for Anaesthetists, has been consistently a top 200 Medical Apps performer since its release in May 2009. A major update is currently under development and will include many of the cool features you all have been requesting. An update is a little further away, but development is making good progress.
Bubbling along in the background has been a major software development to provide integrated Anaesthesia Practice Booking and Billing. While details are, obviously, secret at the moment, this project will provide some really cool features for both Anaesthetists and their staff to make running a practice easier and more clinically relevant. Watch this space for developments. Or, drop us a line and we will keep you informed.